Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Here Is Some Great Antiques Info

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Antique Engagement Rings

By Marcus Peterson

If you want an engagement ring that is unique and classy at the same time, you might consider giving your lady love an antique engagement ring. Nowadays, brides-to-be are showing their unique style and individuality by selecting antique and estate engagement rings. Many couples look at the future brightly by purchasing something from the past.

You may choose that extraordinary engagement ring from many fine collections of beautiful yet unusual and non traditional antique engagement jewelry.

A lot of women choose Art Deco and Edwardian antique engagement rings studded with sapphires and diamonds. Both these pearl and diamond antique engagement rings are evocative of the romantic era of the past. Old-fashioned filigree diamond engagement rings boast of exceptional workmanship and superior quality that makes it look good on any woman�s hand.

Also popular are antique engagement rings with eclectic gemstones, antique rubies and antique sapphires. Does your future bride like nontraditional colors? Then go for an aquamarine antique engagement ring. It is the perfect combination of modern and antique styles.

You should also look at vintage sapphire engagement rings that carry colors that match the skyline with a slightly violet hue. A typical round faceted, mixed cut sapphire gemstone set on an antique band weighs about .70 carats with four diamonds, two baguettes and two single cuts flanking the sapphire, set horizontally.

There are also antique diamond cluster engagement rings that have diamonds in a cluster pattern. The center diamond is usually a round modern cut, while the encircling diamonds are round single cuts.

Before buying the antique engagement ring, you might want to consider your budget and personal preference. It is wise to first visit stores selling these unique pieces of jewelry prior to the actual purchase. You may also visit online stores to save some time looking for that perfect ring to buy.

About The Author

Engagement Rings provides detailed information on Engagement Rings, Diamond Engagement Rings, Platinum Engagement Rings, Antique Engagement Rings and more. Engagement Rings is affiliated with Bachelorette Party Games.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marcus_Peterson

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Is the item worth thousands of dollars? If so, take no chances; have it professionally repaired or restored. Even if it is worth a few hundred dollars, you may want to hire an expert. Get some estimates. The cost may be lower than you expect.
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The market value of antiques changes if people become more or less interested in collecting and buying a certain type of item.Find out what's popular by talking to dealers and doing research on the Internet. The value of items like antique guns can be very specific when it comes to buyers' appreciation. Also, try to get a feel for emerging collectibles, things you can acquire now for a minimal investment but whose value will appreciate with the passage of time. For well established collecting genres like furniture or dishware, extensive collecting guides with charts of approximate values based on condition are readily available.
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At 6:57 PM, Blogger معلوماتي said...

عيوب الشموع اليابانية

التفسير الذاتي:
تفسير أنماط الشموع اليابانية قد يكون ذاتياً ويختلف من متداول لآخر، مما يمكن أن يؤدي إلى استنتاجات مختلفة.
الحاجة للخبرة:الشموع اليابانية الإيجابية
قد يتطلب فهم وتفسير الأنماط المختلفة للشموع اليابانية وقتاً وخبرة، مما يجعلها أقل فائدة للمتداولين المبتدئين.
عدم الدقة في التنبؤ:
رغم أن الشموع اليابانية يمكن أن تشير إلى احتمالات معينة، إلا أنها لا تقدم ضمانات. الأنماط قد تفشل أحياناً في التنبؤ بحركة السوق الفعلية.
التجاهل للعوامل الأساسية:
الشموع اليابانية تعتمد فقط على البيانات السعرية ولا تأخذ في الاعتبار العوامل الأساسية التي قد تؤثر على الأسواق، مثل الأخبار الاقتصادية أو الأحداث السياسية.
الإفراط في التحليل:
قد يميل بعض المتداولين إلى الإفراط في التحليل باستخدام الشموع اليابانية، مما يمكن أن يؤدي إلى اتخاذ قرارات مبنية على إشارات ضعيفة أو غير مؤكدة.


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